A $115,000 Bed for Audiophiles

A $115,000 Bed for Audiophiles

I definitely did a double-take when I saw the price tag of the "Seventy Five" - named after the ideal BPM for sleep. For that price I'd better sleep like a baby!

As someone who likes to fall asleep listening to music and long running YouTube episodes, it’s not a hard sell to propose sound can play an essential part in inviting a restful night’s sleep. The Seventy Five by Savoir takes that simple concept to an extreme, an entire sleep system incorporating Savior’s N°2 The Icon custom made bed, walnut sideboards, and an upholstered headboard with its very own pair of KEF Ci3160REFM-THX speakers and six KEF Kube 8b subwoofers integrated into it.

Read more at Design Milk.

Work With Matt

He is Compass Seatlle's modern home specialist. Inspired by his own love of modern homes, he strives to make buying and selling a Seattle Modern home as seamless and enjoyable as possible through the perfect combination of high-tech and high-touch.

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